So I went driving around the back roads around where I live with my friend. There are a lot of different farms and believe it or not most of them aren't being used at all for anything what so ever. However this particular place caught my attention. I will conceal the name of the ranch, so we will name it Runners Ranch just for the sake of having a name. The ranch sits on a 100 acre plot. The barn is huge you could likely fit 6 horses, stacks of bales and feed and what ever farming equipment you might need. The barn however is heavily run down. The roof is super wavy from being weathered and singles are missing in more spots that I can count. Wood boards are missing throughout the outside and at first glance you might even think that it will snap like a toothpick at any given moment. But if I know anything about the barns of northern Ontario I can tell you the structure is perfectly sound and the inside of the barn would make any farmer proud. While the outside sometimes gets heavily neglected the inside is always something to marvel at.
In 2005 prior to me buying this farm which I was heavily advised not to buy it by the realtor himself!! I never really let people tell me what I can or cannot buy with my own money or how to spend my time. Its not that I am super stubborn or anything of the sort, its just that I know what I want. However this realtor begged me to go look at a certain ranch only a few concession roads from my farm, and I told him, no I made up my mind I want this one, I don't need to be confused or become doubtful by looking at another farm. He told me it would be worth my time and the property was only 20,000 more than this farm. I stuck to it and away we went on the paper work. It was long after I moved into the farm that I decided to take a drive around and came across the ranch the realtor wanted me to look at. It was still for sale at that time. It had been clear cut of all threes valuable and and perfectly groomed. the house certainly needed some work on the outside and the barn looked very much the same as it does now. My husband made it a point to even say, maybe we should have looked at it. but 100 acres, what exactly would I do with that?? And If I had a hard time getting television and Internet where I live I certainly would have much more trouble over there.
But anyhow back to the point. as I sat there and marbled at the beauty of the old barn, I saw a slight movement in the tall grass nad my friend pointed to a bright yellow house, which looked to be a dog house for a medium size dog, another movement caught my eye and then I saw bright yellow rope. Attached to that rope a beautiful billy goat. as I looked closer I realized the people who owned the property had tied this goat to a 2 foot rope. It had no room to graze or run around. It looked sad and defeated.
It makes me wonder what type of people could really give such an animal that life sentence. These same people have other animals and I wonder if they too are tied up to a 2 foot rope. Unhappy, only there until they can no longer be used. But maybe I was just being judgemental, I mean I met these people they certainly are nice people!!!
I have never been able not to go above and beyond for my animals so I truly don't understand how some people could not actually place themselves in the spot of their animals. My dogs have tons of room to run around and and a pen they can quickly go to throughout the day. When someone is outside working the dogs are out, free to run and play in the puddles and run through the woods. The only downfall is that we have to separate certain dogs. Like one of the girls can't go out with the boys because she always makes them run away with her and then they are gone for hours on end. Mind you they usually go down to the river for a swim. So she is only let out with our senior dog who never ever takes off.
My chicks, when ready for their coop and pen will have plenty room to spare with a big run right next to the dogs for protection. The guinea pigs have a huge cage we hand build and even the fish and turtle are in over sized tanks.
I guess what I would really like to ask these people is.. one, are you selling your goat, and 2 how would you feel if you were tied up to a 2 foot rope and left like that. ??!!
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